A fully equipped auto restoration and race-preparation shop occupies a large space on the first floor of 3 Dog Garage adjacent to the race-car display areas. All mechanical, fabrication and painting functions are efficiently performed here with the exception of engine building and upholstery, two disciplines assigned to the best professionals in their respective fields. An experienced staff under the direction of Museum General Manager Chris Liebenberg maintains, repairs, rebuilds and race-prepares the competition cars in the collection for vintage-racing events around the country and in Canada. Vintage racing is very popular with not only the older enthusiasts who watched these cars race 50, 60 or more years ago, but also with young people for whom this is their only opportunity to experience, first hand, those days re-lived in front of their eyes. The race cars at 3 Dog Garage are prepared by the shop team to compete at the highest levels and provide authenticity, historical perspective and excitement for all spectators every time they put a wheel on a race track.